
Hey guys, I had surgery today. I had my teeth cleaned but I also had this mass removed from my bum. It’s been growing for a bit and the vet tested it for cancer. The good news is, it wasn’t cancer but since it was so big, they wanted to get it out. Everything went really well and even though I’m sore (5 staples on my butt!), I’m feeling ok. I’ve been sleeping most of the day today and mom’s been taking great care of me. All my friends are sending me lots of well wishes. I’m going to take it easy for the next few days. Thanks for thinking of me!


Happy 2016 friends!!!  My Christmas and end of year holiday was awesome!!  I got super cool Christmas presents like Lambchop, a new coat and bunch of new treats.  Then mom took me to Fort Funston for a chilly but fun hike around the beach.  I caught up on a lot of sleep and relaxed!  Mom said 2016 is going to be even more fun than 2015 so I’m super excited!!!!



Crissy Field is my absolute favorite place to go! I walk right on the beach, along the water and there are so many other dogs.  I get to stare the the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge.  One time, Mom and I walked all the way to the bridge and it was awesome!  The tide was pretty high and strong so we got drenched but it was so much fun. Mom loves Crissy Field too because it gives her an opportunity to really be with her own thoughts, take in the ocean and recharge.  It’s our favorite activity 🙂 Happy Friday friends! Here is wishing you a fabulous weekend at your Crissy Field, wherever that may be!