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This is my brother, Vinnie. He’s a 5 years old Viszla that used to live with me in Chicago. This was winter of 2012 right before Mom and I moved to California.  From what I heard, he moved to Los Angeles with my old dad. Vinnie and I used to cuddle like this on cold wintery nights in Chicago.  He’d get cold more easily than I, since he only has an undercoat.  I haven’t seen him in over 2 years and sometimes, I think about him.  Whenever Mom and I go to a park or walk along the beach, viszlas come up to us and say hi. I know Mom misses Vinnie a lot. I try to cheer her up on those days when she gets sad.  I’m wishing my brother is happy and healthy, enjoying the California sun like Mom and I are.



Post-park naps are the best. Funny thing is, I don’t even run or romp very hard.  It’s typically a casual stroll.  Sometimes, the process of getting to the park is more exciting than the park itself.  I get really worked up leaving the apartment, getting in mom’s car and the sheer excitement of the drive exhausts me.  By the time we get to the park and I scream and holler to get out of the car, I’m already ready for a nap.  After an hour or two at the park, I can hardly make the 20 minute drive back home without falling asleep in the car. The beauty of it all is that once we get home, I eat and then I get to snuggle with Mom for a blissful nap.



My favorite way to end a fun weekend is a lazy stroll through one of my favorite parks – Point Isabel Regional Shoreline. There are so many dogs and I have the best view. I can see San Francisco on one side, then I see the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge on the other. There wasn’t a single cloud in the blue sky. I frolicked along the shore, romped on green grass, leaned in to rays of sunshine. I can’t wait to do it all over again this upcoming weekend.



Mom is obsessed with taking pictures of me when I’m sleepy or sleeping. The woman just won’t quit!  Listen, I get it. I mean, look at me. How could I possibly blame her for always capturing my looks? But geez, sometimes it gets to be too much.  I give her a stink eye in hopes that she gets my subtle hint but to be frank, I don’t think she really gives a damn. Crazy ass Mom.



People shouldn’t be jealous that Mom and I are more alike than most Mom/Dog Son pairs. Not only are we cute as buttons, thrive in order and consistency, we are both flexible! Mom used to be a bunhead, a ballerina. She danced like a swan and can kick up her long legs just like I can! I may not have long legs like mom but boy i can certainly stretch these little things out!



They say owners pick dogs that are like them. Mom and I are similar in many ways.  One, we are just awfully and irresistibly cute 🙂 People can’t walk by me without noticing how dashing I am.  Always commenting about my cute face.  I’m certainly biased but Mom is quite the looker.  I know I’ve got a hot Mom!  But I think we are more similar in our personalities, too.  We both thrive in consistency and order. We are pretty head strong in our ways. We like to have tons of fun but we also love lounging and taking it easy. She’s the best mom I could ever ask for.  And I know I’m the best she’s ever gonna get! 🙂



Another Monday, another start of the week.  I wish I could just lay like this all day long. Instead, I got up at 6:30 this morning with Mom, took a brisk walk around, ate, and she left for work and I sat on the couch until Nickie came for our hike. I think Mom’s pretty tired since we went to bed so late last night (certainly not by my choice) so hopefully by the time she gets home from work, we’ll have dinner and we’ll get to lounge on the couch for the rest of the evening.



Crissy Field is my absolute favorite place to go! I walk right on the beach, along the water and there are so many other dogs.  I get to stare the the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge.  One time, Mom and I walked all the way to the bridge and it was awesome!  The tide was pretty high and strong so we got drenched but it was so much fun. Mom loves Crissy Field too because it gives her an opportunity to really be with her own thoughts, take in the ocean and recharge.  It’s our favorite activity 🙂 Happy Friday friends! Here is wishing you a fabulous weekend at your Crissy Field, wherever that may be!